Bruxism?? Here's the solution to fix it.
Image By- Rudi Fargo BRUXISM Bruxism or Teeth grinding affects around 10% of population. You might be one of them who face same problem of teeth clenching or we can say teeth grinding. Many people have the habit of teeth grinding in sleep. So, they are unaware of it. That's why majority of people come to know this from their loved ones that they grind their teeth in sleep. DEFINITION ● Ranfjord (1966) : defined Bruxism as a habitual grinding of teeth where individual is not chewing or swallowing anything. It affects both adults and children although the 25 to 45 years age group are more commonly affected. CLASSIFICATION OF BRUXISM It is classified into 2 categories: AWAKE BRUXISM (Day time) SLEEP BRUXISM (Night time): It is teeth grinding that happens during sleep. Night time or nocturnal bruxism is the more common of the two but it is difficult to diagnose as those patients are unaware that they grind their teeth while sl...